How to Add Navigator Inside The Tv Appplication

Hello :wave:,
I am devendra from Pixel Editor,
And will talk About TV application i.e. Pixel TV aia few months before uploading aia to my Aia Store

And I got good response from users, but some user review that application logo is not displayed in TV launcher. So for that. A video was created that you can watch here.
Download from aiastoreshop

And the second review is that navigator doesn’t work, that’s why I created another video that will teach you how to add navigator to Android TV application.

In my opinion, how long will it take us to create applications for mobile phones? We should go a step further, try to create an application for Tv or ios. If you have any thoughts about this please leave me a comment below.

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I am also interested in making apps for my Android T.V. (but its very hard to do that, I want a function to make a mouse pointer but cannot do that as it is very complex process), this Tutorial helped me Thank You.

Thank You :kodular:

That’s excellent, I’ll try it.
Thank you


I tried it and the application icon appears on Android TV, thank you for the instructions

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Thanks for trying and your welcome dear