How to call latitudes and longitudes from aitable and set them on "add marker"s lat-lng point

I want to make an app for blood donation.My app has a register option which gather user informations with an latitude-longitude adress in airtable. Now i want that when user clicks a button called “Get Blood” and select their blood group then google map camera will move to user location and markers will add automatically with the latitudes and longitudes stored in my airtable.

Now i can’t getting it that how to call latitudes and longitudes from aitable and set them on "add marker"s lat-lng point

Already created i button?
Have you already created your spreadsheet?
Already managed to access your spreadsheet and show some value?
Have you looked at the component that can do this?
What have you done?

I Have
Already Created a Button,Airtable,Managed to get values from airtable…


3 minutes searching…

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