Kodular shows error when i use aia file
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U are trying to upload aia instead of aix
Please search the aix in community or Google.
BTW, what is the extension name?
its sendlocationwithsms
i have aia file extension but kodular doesnt accept it. Can i change the aia file to aix file?
I hope it is impossible to take the aix from aia(so for i know, if anyone share the trick let me too know it)
Just develope your app in that aia or upload screen into that aia
can you show or explain more detailed please?
Please read my reply properly
unzip the aia file, you will find the extension in assets folder. zip it, and change the extension to aix.
You have an aia file. This is a project and not an extension. Project files you can import into Kodular, just use the Import project button in the main page of the creator.
yeah i got it now
thanks so much!
(post deleted)
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