How to change icon image color?

I download material image icon, I used it in button but I can’t change color !

You can’t change image color with blocks, but if you want to change the color of a material icon, set the phone type face to Material Icons, and set the button text to your icon name, and then set the text color to the color you want.
you don’t even need to download images :wink:


can u suggest any material icon .ttf file for the WhatsApp logo?
I used phone typeface to Material Icons for WhatsApp but got empty,
so how can get a Whatsapp icon in the material icon?

Unfortunately, there is not whatsapp icon in the material font icons.You can try font awesome


not working, i used whatsapp-square it in font awesome

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Search the community for your new problem ,if you didn’t find a solution open a new topic, because this topic isn’t related with font awesome :slightly_smiling_face:

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new at kodular

Where are you put your html code :thinking:

Change it to:


You must prefix it with :&#x and end it with ; as far as i understand.Your icon Unicode will be between,


Yes change it to  and it will work


i did but it’s not support the icon

And don’t include any Space.

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E-mails are Slow.

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You can change the color of any icon. Just make sure that the icon you are using is in PNG format. :+1:t2:

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how to do that by block? explain to me

Use two layouts. One layout will be the parent layout and inside that parent layout, add one more child layout in which you will have the icon. Take the image component and put it inside that child layout and set that child layout’s background color to the color of your choice. And you are done. :wink:

If you are using any .ttf file, then do as mentioned by @Mohamed_Tamer here:

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I don’t understand why would any user use this when there is an easy option available? The OP just need to set font type face to Material icon or Font Awesome and change the color of text if he/she wants it.
The method to do so is already mentioned by Mohamed_Tamer and ADDYLIN. Now all is needed to implement it by the user.

Being that already available, why to clutter user’s mind with unnecessary options and confuse him/her more?


I have mentioned this too. He asked about an icon which is in png format, that’s why I asked him to follow this step. I always go for the simplest possible solution, which can help anyone. Hope you understand. Thank you. :slight_smile: