How to contact Kodular Staff

If you want to contact @Kodular staff through our community, follow these instructions:

  1. If you don’t have one Create a new Kodular Account here

    Fill all textboxes with your information

  2. Verify your email to be allowed to create new Private Messages
    You can skip this step if you’ve signed up using a Social Login such us Google

  3. Login into Community using your Kodular Account here

  4. Open a new Private Message with the @Kodular group clicking by clicking here

  5. Type your message in the Compose Box that appeard

    Remember, MarkDown, HTML and BBCode are supported

  6. Hit “Message” and wait for a reply!
    We usually reply as soon as we can, so be aware of our timezones here:

TIP: There is also available this email address: [email protected]
But we usually cannot handle it due to the amount of requests we receive in a day, so please use the Community and open Private Messages with us