How to copy text to device clipboard, text in kodular dynamic cardview, without using external plugins

How to copy text to device clipboard, text in kodular dynamic cardview, without using dynamic extension???
When I click on the dynamic button in the dynamic cardview, the application copies the text label in dynamiccardview to device clipboard

I had to build the blocks using dynamic components extension from the beginning, I thought that with dynamic components KODULAR components could do all the tasks :broken_heart: :broken_heart:

No its not true

If @anon12395434 only wants to copy the text from dynamic label to devices’ clipboard then this can be easily done with Kodular’s Device Utilities component.
No extension is required for this. It can be done with available Kodular’s Dynamic components and Device Utilities

Example blocks :point_down:

In above blocks I have just created a Cardview, a Label and a Button under Screen1. Initialize event using Koduar Dynamic Components and then under Dynamic_Button. Button Click event, I have used Kodular’s Device utility component to copy the the dynamic label’s text to clipboard with its Copy method

Below is the apk file if anyone wants to try
ClipboardText.apk (5.1 MB)


@Vaibhav @anon12395434 Oh, I just misunderstood this line. Yeah, Vaibhav is absolutely correct :+1:


Great , BUT What do I put in the ID؟؟؟؟؟

blocks (1)

Oh Ok you are using for loop to create the cardviews, label and button dynamically. So in this case you may have to use below block from Any Component category in block section and then proceed further using the id parameter
OR Can you PM me a sample aia of your project?

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ok i will send aia with message

THANK YOU :heart:

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