How to count the number of entries?

The result is in the form of list of lists , so the lenght of list above is 11. If you wish to count IN for example for each item in list select index item in index 4 cause IN is in position 4


Suppose if we use Name(in the place of IN) mean we can get total number na


getting error

Issue is u don’t got any response from web viewer

Or ur response is not in list format

this is mobile response. I am getting entries

I got it I will reply soon

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Try using list from csv table block when you got text from web


I think the issue is u got a JSON array so in components there is a component named JSON so use it replace length of list get response with length of JSON array and so on
Replace select list index with
And so on

I think even it will work for this

I used the following url , got it from your previous post :slight_smile:,B,C,D+where+C+matches+'Mr+E+Jai+sankar'

Use this block in Web.GotText.

In all formats it says the argument is not a list…

Use for each number block in Web component’s GotText Block, And Save Response in global Variable with list csv list block in lists as @dora_paz said In Post 10.

Try the following aia. When button pressed first label gets web response (no list), second label gets list from csv table - (list of lists) - third label shows entries . Just write the name you want in textbox and press button to test it

spreadsheet_1.aia (3.7 KB)

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Super, I missed to add create empty list in the variable. We are getting the count, If i click again the count become doubles. Other thing it is pakka
:+1: :+1:

Just add the following blocks and it will not add entries again

spreadsheet_2.aia (3.8 KB)

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@dora_paz , Thankas a lot… Finally fulfilled my desire with your full and full effort. Thanks a lot once again. Keep in touch with us… :pray:

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