Error 601 No corresponding activity was found
This is my app in my app users can upload images and titles but the image uploading option is upload image from url iwant to change this to image from gallery option
I create the image uploade from gallery blocks but i dont know how to attach this system to my blocks plss help me…
After the image will show like this i use firebase db and colintree list view
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This is my app in my app users can upload images and titles but the image uploading option is upload image from url iwant to change this to image from gallery option
I create the image uploade from gallery blocks but i dont know how to attach this system to my blocks plss help me…
After the image will show like this i use firebase db and colintree list view
Taifun i create image from gallery option plss tell me how to attach this to my blocks
You already received my answer here
Prepare an example project as simple as possible to understand, how the activity starter workaround to pick an image works
I add this path uri to the image url text box
But not showing the image
I want to change that url option to image from gallery
I add this Content://
Uri to that url text box and upload but not working what ican doo
Plss understand
I add what you tells before
You see my blocks
Where do you get that uri from?
Convert it into the path to the file, use one of the file extensions for this
No, it looks like you forgot to upload your relevant blocks
If iwant to send my .aia file also
I can see only firebase blocks…
Well, you got my recommendation
Red marked blocks. Is the path uri and image from gallery option
Green marked blocks dont know how to change
And add this feature
I add the blocks what you tell before
Uri not supporting in url text box
Iwant to change that url text box and add this image from gallery to that area
Prepare an example project as simple as possible without Firebase and without anything which is not related to your problem
How to create image from gallery
So probably then someone is able to understand what you are talking about and what your problem is
I fix this issue “image from gallery” using firebase storage
(Irrelevant parts of thos post removed)