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How to create upload image from gallery option
This aia have url upload option how to change that to upload image in gallery option
Ihave attach my aia file plss tell me how to change this

(post deleted by author)

Try the image picker workaround using the activizy starter


Plss tell me how to change url upload option to image add from gallery how to change this in my aia

An answer can only be as good as the question, but in this case the question is not understandable …


Iwant to change this option
"Image url " And add image from gallery option

I uploaded my aia file plss check that and how to change this

Here is my previous answer again


Plss mark the blocks which block i change and which block i add
That is helpful to me

Plss reply…

And again for the 3rd and last tine: Try the image picker workaround using the activity starter


that is iam asking
How to implement this to my blocks
Did you have a solution for this otherwise you leave it and go

yes, just add those blocks from the workaround into your app
and if you still have issues, post a screenshot of your relevant blocks including those blocks you added from the workaround
