How to effectively translate your app

It looks like your idea works on the phenomena of word to word translation creation. Is this true?

I use data from airtable, so i dont think if this method will be effective for me.

What data?

Some paragraphs

If this is data that is aimed at a particular language then you can create several such paragraphs for each language and then get the paragraph to the user’s language

My app is about job details, they keep coming and keep expiring. Do you think, few paragraphs will make app fully translate?

thanks you so much!! excellent tutorial!

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i have a question, i have a dynamics cards view list, how can i use this metod to translate that? thanks

Try something like this


thanks dora, i will try!

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Hello Kodulers

How do I translate the text

Or translate the components that are in the “template”?

Try :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well, I think it would be better to act like this:
(Translate the strings in your translation file)

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I’m going to do some tests here to see if it will work.

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Thanks again for the guide.
I translate an app of mine with several screens, several different components, several blocks, thanks to your excellent guide.
And I had to use a few blocks for that.
:heart_eyes: :star_struck: :clap:t3:

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Hİ Dora,

I am beginner . I had uploaded translation file as an asset. Then What will I do ? Or How I will Upload translation.aia? Then what will I do?

Did you create two json files for example app-name-gr-Translation.json and app-name-en-Translation.json ? Did you upload them to your assets? If yes then create blocks as shown in picture
If you want to test how it works and see the blocks needed then you can import aia provided in creator

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Ok. I see. I did not create 2 files in json. I will create and upload these 2 files then try to create blocks.

Thanks for your kindly help .

I Hope to do :S

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Dora, Do ı create blocks in each screen ? Or just 1 enough.

Can I change the language of the entire application?

Of course…