How to execute an action at a specific time?

But there will be drawback in this method

If user manually change the time mean he can manage to make to button visible

So better use online time. So user cont deploy with time.

Ok tank you very much i will trying later because i can’t now and i have another question the hour must be in england ? because i’m french and for me 12pm is 24h so i don’t kno if i change the language the hour system change ?

You are now already at post #41 to solve this tiny problem and that still has not happened.

How do you know your app will reopen every 24 hours? Therefore, so that this does not increase further here, now finally explain precisely what the aim of the app is.

How long and at what time should the switch / button be activated / deactivated?

In the above image I preferred 24hr system only.

1hr-11hr button will be invisible
12hr-24hr button will be visible

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I will explain the project is simple you have a switch that activates itself at midnight sharp and the next day at midnight sharp again it is reactivated and that automatically I hope to have been clear.

tank you for your help but it is fonctionnal for you because i don’t have the time for test this now ?

I slightly change the block, now perfectly working and i tested with certain blocks


Why do you insert buttons if he asked for switch. Your block above is not what I think the OP wants.

We all do not know what happens after the switch enabled is set to true, while a user is using the app.
OP has the answer of his question and he has to manage this him/herself when he/her has time to do so.
I do not think we can help when we build the app.

It is for testing
 Ok, i will add switch and post image

This is already done. I think OP has to try.


I entered manually the time and see the response

(the only drawback is user can change the clock manually in his device, already i said)

Ok tank everybody for your partictipation and tank you very much Gowri SankaR for your help and thanks to you I will be able to finish my project goodbye everybdy !

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