How to get total space occupied by images or video?

How to get this data

Get images size total

Get apk size total

Hope guys understand what I am asking :hugs:

Tried : get all files from assets then making it png jpg specific then for each item get size and adding all sizes

This takes more than 10 minutes

i think u mean u will add that music images and thig it will crash o take off guess

I just want to get total space occupied in phone by images or music or videos

u should add them :laughing:

@Taifun can solve this

i think getting source from spread shee


can get it

what takes time. well dont try to upload a folder it takes time

You didn’t get it I am not uploading

I m trying to get total size occupied my images in phone storage

is it a kodular app or any other sort of topic

Kodular app

Making filemanager project

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oh ow i go it . use device utilties ad deep host or tailfin tools extension

Thank you for your suggestions but I already told I am not getting the total space of images

use some extensions

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not trying to fight u give extension

what have u tried???

Get all files then getting all sizes then adding all

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i get and also get size hmm…
u want file name also
ok for now check this

i hope god has an extension for it

i have seen it and researched for it

i am asking how do i get total space occupied by images in our phone stoarge

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