How to get youtube channel logo or name by channel url/Video url

Anyone can give me free extension for get youtube channel ‘name, logo’ by video/or channel url in kodular apps, please help me @everyone

Use APIs To get things [Free] Youtube API Extension : Get Everything by API 🥳

Without api, i need get channel name nd logo by channel url or video url.
Because user may Don’t want to share thier api key on any app.
But if i ask them about channel url for get channel name. of course they shared

It’s the developer’s job to create and use the API key, not the user’s.

can i get other ‘channel title’ by own api key+ other user channel id?

You don’t need anything from the user/client, other than the channel ID.
only you need to have your api key as developer, the API provides a lot of general information.

but i want others youtube channel title for show ads in my app,

You don’t understand or you don’t want to understand, you just need the channel ID, you enter the YouTube channel and the ID is in the url

ok wait, can u tell how to complete this,
i just want to ads other youtube channel on my app, then how can i do this?/

with the API, read the documentation, it’s quite a process to explain, if you can’t find the IDs use this website