My app has a 500 list, and when that list is loaded into a ListView, the app slows down and crashes, then how to load only 100 list of the 500 lists at once, And when 100 list is loaded, then 200 list is to be loaded, then 300 then 400…
Note: - I am not using any online database, so plz do not suggest to use it.
You should have those in CSV files or strings then.
And load only the ones you need. Do you need all 500 lists loaded all the time?
How big are each list?
If you made all those lists by dragging blocks, let me tell you something: You wasted A LOT of time.
You can create those list in Excel, export the files in CSV (Comma Separated Values) which is a plain text file, and upload it to Kodular assets.
Then convert it to a list internally with the “List from CSV Row” or List from CSV Table" blocks.
What do you mean by “load”? I mean, the lists are already in Kodular list format, why do you need to “load” them?
Also, show your blocks please.
Make that an Excel sheet, each one a line.
Save it in CSV format.
Upload that file in Kodular.
Read it with the File component.
Convert it to a list with the List from CSV Table.