Thankyou Anshu @UnknownBeast
first , Thx alot for this guide
Here the time value appears as minutes … is there any way to show the number of hours too?
Has anyone encountered a problem with the music player being late in fetching music from the links, or is it an internet problem for me?
I found this on community:
Clock Component use - Discuss - Kodular Community
I think taifun player or exoplayer doesn’t have buffering service that’s why to seek to the position always needs a time as well. In my honest opinion, an exoplayer or Taifun doesn’t work properly if your music is very long. It is quite good for the music of 5 to 10 minutes. I request every @ExtensionDevelopers to make a music player that can work in the background as well as it has buffering service.
Nice guide
There is now also a special block for HH:mm
Btw, what’s about adding a fast forward and rewind using the Slider, as shown here:
Yes .
I will update the guide with your methods as fast as i will be free.
there already is the Async Player Extension by @Andres_Cotes (25 USD)
however unfortunately published in the Appybuilder community and therefore not available anymore (@Andres_Cotes might want to transfer all his extensions to a safe place…)
or try to get it here
and there is the Stream player (Video and Audio) Extension by Kus Zab (12 USD) - Appybuilder link unfortunately not available anymore
@oseamiya , you can use a circular progress and do one thing use a you can use a clock with a timer of 1 sec and when the timer completes, if taifun player is playing, call notifier1 dismiss spinning progress
BTW Nice guide p.m me and I can send you working aia with circular progress (buffering)
This link can work as it is from Internet archive
thank you… this helps a lot…
I just tested it with another Appybuilder community link and as it looks like we can prepend the following
to each Appybuilder link to get a working línk again from the archive…
results in AsynPlayer Extension [Paid] (Radio developers) - Extensions - AppyBuilder
This Guide i have made is only for reference on how you can make music player works with workable icons and facilities,often new koders get confused.Thus i have defined most important factors a music player have. I dont wanted new koders to copy and paste the blocks without knowing how it works.Thats why i have done only a litte things on UI and focused on how blocks parts worked. You can share the blocks or aia here. If anybody really gets problem then he/she can use that.
ExoPlayer (streaming) - fast forward - rewind:
Can you tell something how it works? Do you set clock intervall to a tiny number or what?
By the way I like these kind of music.