How to make an app as default

I want to make a music player developed by kodular. I want when user want to play a particular music it will pop-up an allert asking “do you want to make music player default” so when user clicks on default whenever the user want to play a music it uses the app to play the music. Is there an extension for it?

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No, isn’t possible at the moment on Kodular

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I hope kodular are taking note of all these things. These are what make up a good App Development. Anyway well done to kodular and am expecting to seeing all things in the next update.


You can not make your app as default but can receive shared files of some particular types like text,audio,video and image.

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It would be really nice. Create a topic with this suggestion on feedback / i want category

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I will do that.

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I want kodular to add a new component that can make an app to be set as a default so when the app is opened by a user it will ask for permission if you want to make it as default. I will be really glad if this is added to the next update. Happy koding.

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What do you mean by making it as default and asking for permission? Please clarify


For example I make a music player. If a user want to play a particular music a pop-up will show asking which music player you want to use to play the music so if a user pick a particular player then each time he tries to play a music it will automatically use the music player he selected earlier.