How to Make Call log app

Hello everyone! I am trying to build simple call log app that list contacts on my phone and recent called and message list at once, seems like truecaller.

Could you share any projects already work on this???

I am working on an extension for that I’ll soon add in community you can wait till that or search in community

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@devxlabs When dose it ready? :pray:

very soon just a day

com.devxlabs.Caller.aix (13.6 KB)

try this if it works


ya i try it but it show me an error!

try it on companion first

com.devxlabs.Caller.aix (13.4 KB)

try Now

it work but the list is empty based on your example block


Need this permission have to asked for permissions

blocks (2)
You mean this? but still it did not ask me.

You need to use permissions on Android 11+ with some other method this method does not work on Android 11+

Use method GetAllCallLogs AFTER permission has been granted


Ok but it did not even ask me to allow!

any other method you know it says Error 908: the permission has been denied.

@Boban build this app and it work fine.
PhoneCallTestKodular.apk (4.7 MB)

@Boban can you share me how you ask permission for call log?

Provide a screenshot of your updated blocks
Build the app and try to test using the apk file

blocks (3)
blocks (4)

The PermissionGranted event fires only once after the permission has been granted, but next time you open the spp, it does not fire anynore…
Use a button click event

Also @devxlabs might want to provide an example project how this should work
