Hello Friends
i am working on App
And i want to impement a leaderboad system in my app with google Sheet
the probleam is that i want to get only top 10 payers (According to their score ) data in decending order
Please Help me
Hello Friends
i am working on App
And i want to impement a leaderboad system in my app with google Sheet
the probleam is that i want to get only top 10 payers (According to their score ) data in decending order
Please Help me
you can use firebase, then add temporary values in it, then use if then for changing the values
I used leancloud for leaderboard:
register/login to https://leancloud.app/
create an app and open it;
go to Settings → App keys, get appId, appKey, MasterKey, ServerURL,
go to Play → LeaderBoard → Data ->Create Leaderboard.
MemberType, select ‘Entity’
VersionChangeInterval, select ‘never’
below block images are draggable (drag it onto your block view directly)
The Simple Method is use gviz if you are doing with Google Spreadsheet
Here is an example
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/ your spreadsheet id/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&tq=select A,B,C, order by A desc LIMIT 10
Select A,B,C is the column name
order by A ( put your score column alphabet )
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/Your Spreadsheet Id/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&tq=select A,B,C order by A desc LIMIT 10
Thankyou So much
Thankyou So Much
You could also create another sheet on your spreadsheet and setup a similar query function there (using the =QUERY()
, then you just call the query output to your app.
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