How to make status bar like this and full screen image

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Yes, In some devices if it status bar cannot match the screen, the Status Bar goes Black.
Its not that the Icons are black.
If you just swipe the screen down you can see a small another status bar. (Not Recents)

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Please write your questions in a way that everyone can understand.And I asked to open your app and take the screenshot of it.And this might tell us what your problem is.

Check the video description

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You can see black status bar on handphone if we screen shoot its hide status bar not black

Can you Elaborate

Well, setting the status bar to false on phones with camera at that spot will result in black status bar.

I found this for now

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Hi @dewi, you can use my extension.

Check this:

I need visible status bar but not black if on my phone full screen view like picture i upload .

Yeah, of course my extension can do much more than that.
you should try it

I was see that extension can you give exmple block visible status bar but not black

I don’t know what you mean, can you give me an example

do you mean you want to make your statusbar like this

Good that… but i try to disbale status bar but it black status bar not full screen content

have you used my extension?

and do you want to make statusbar like this?

or this :

IMG_20201129_231732_142 no status bar but hide

do you mean like this :

Can you give me another example photo?

My problem like this