How to make status bar like this and full screen image

Its an Issue in Android,
As far as I know, you can’t avoid it.

Mybe next time fix

Didn’t the extension above work for you…

In the photo above I use the extension and the display is full screen but the status bar does not disappear upwards and also in the navigator I want to lay out on the navigator and like the image below I want it

IMG_20201129_231732_142 like this

images (32)

So you mean you want to hide system ui

Please use google translate.Because I cannot understand your problem.And what app are you making?.If you can ,please post the blocks so that anyone may help you.

I think you can use the block from my extension :

  • Background Transparent
    to change StatusBar Background to Full Transparent
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Oke i was edited

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On my picture above used extension but status bar not scrool up or hide

I am confused with you, i think you mean you want to remove the statusbar

So you want to hide the status bar and want to keep the navigation bar isn’t it?

Yes i want hide to up status bar slide up…if touch slide down status bar

Yes like that

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So in the screen properties set show status bar to unmarked.Then it will not show status bar.But will show navigation bar.You can also set the colour of the navigation bar to transparent or any other colour.I hope this will solve your problem.If not the you should share your aia or take screenshot of the properties menu of the screen

But. My problem in my handphone black area on status bar the screen if disable status bar

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I think you want to hide the area which covers your front camera with black colour

I want hide status bar without black area on line front camera if disable status bar

Your Problem cannot be solved as this not the problem of Kodular but of your Device.
You can just show the Status Bar or change it’s color, if you hide it appears black.

Oke skipp that problem that my phone like that

I want hide automatic and raise status bar when touch on status bar