How to remove quotation marks in spinner

Hello, do you have any idea how to remove quotation marks in every element string in spinner? I tried to display the data from database through spinner and this how I got.

This is the blocks that I used:

Then this is the source code from that url:

$conn = new mysqli($host,$username,$password,$dbname);
$data = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT Ar_Descript FROM area WHERE Ar_Cty_Mncpl = 'Calbayog' OR Ar_Descript = 'Allen'");

while ($result=mysqli_fetch_array($data))
	print $result['Ar_Descript'];
	print '||';

Thanks in advance.

Check This

Its your php code to get data from database. not data structure

still the same :cold_sweat:

Can you Ctrl+c and Ctrl+p response Content here



Copy label5 text and paste here

This is the text from the label:

Use This


Finally it worked! You really saved my day! Thank you so much! :heart:

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