How To Save A Resources In "Res/Drawable" Instead Of "Assets"

I Think It Isn’t Possible To Download Files In “app directory/res/drawable” folder. If U Have Done This Before Or U have Any Idea Can u Please Share The Blocks???
Thank You.

Oh I thought this drawable folder was just an aleatory folder, like the name of your app or something like this.
I never heard of it before, so I have no idea how to help you but I hope you find someone

You know that it does not make any difference?!?
There is absolut no need for that what you want…


Actually I Need To Save A Resource In “res/drawable” To Show OneSignal Push Custom Small Icon In My App. If U Have Any Other Solution It Will Be helpful To me. Thanks

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i also wanted to store a mp3 file in “res/raw or what ever you call it” for OneSignal’s custom notification tone but I never found a solution for that and I don’t think it is even possible…

Regarding the smallicon changing, I could do something really interesting by creating the transparent icons I wanted to show in my app, decompiled the app and put them into the folder “res/drawable” where the “ya image” is and recompile it wih the APK Easy Tool Portabe. After that, I just wrote the name I gave to the icon in the smallicon option in OneSignal and it worked.


You know that you want to do some really stupid?


why? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

MP3 is not a drawable…


All right… that was my mistake…
i mean (by saying “res/drawable”) :point_right: Capture
{IDK, which folder that is if it is still wrong}

Guys its kodular and not android studio, btw sir @Mika i will love this

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Actually I Need To Save A Resource In “res/drawable” To Show OneSignal Push Custom Small Icon In My App

I didn’t know it wasn’t possible already.
If you find a way please tell us!

With a quick google search you would discover that you can’t do that“res%2Fdrawable”


I understood that he want to compile the app like this, not after the user installed the app.

But well, I didn’t even know there was such a directory so I don’t even know why I am commenting here:joy::joy::joy:

You know you could just save the file in Res/Drawable by saving it there using the file component possibly from your assets folder to that folder. Or you could simply get the file on OneSignal from a URL.

It Isn’t Possible To Show Small Icon From URL In OneSignal

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Did anyone find a solution for this ?

No, Not Yet.

[Small letters] on one signal small icon place
.The notification icon will be your app icon… :hugs:

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I Know This, But I Want To Use Custom Icon For Notification.

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