How To Stream URL (Live TV)

Hi everyone,
if you guys read the Info of media player component you will see they are also saying that you can put a stream URL (source) in the media player to play the streaming video then i start searching for the stream URL and i recently found one (Live TV URL)

I go to blocks section because there is no URL (input) Section (Where i can able to Put URL Of Stream) in the propoerties

I tried to figure out by playing with those blocks

but when I install the app (after exporting) Nothing appears

Help: If someone knows what is the problem or something else please be sure to reply me
Q: can we play videos on mx player through Our app

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You do it correct but i think the url is wrong it does not start with http.


But I play the same URL in the MX Player that is shown on the picture
Q: Am i Correct

Q2: it is possible for us to make a live TV app using Makeroid
If yes, can you please make a live tv app (just for Example)

i think video player not supporting some live tv file types

Try to find a other live stream video url that starts with http.
Let us know if it works then.

it took me a whole day to find a single url with (URL Snooper)
Now i figure out how to get url throught website but still facing problems
why don’t you guys help me it will be good for all of us

the rtmp is a well-known video transmission protocol used by Adobe Flash.
the rtmp (Real Time Multimedia Protocol) serves video, h264 and audio AAC or MP3…

the RTMP is Acepted by Android, IOS (with software) and Blackberry.

Maybe the player integrated in Android should reproduce it without problem, for which you should send it with an Action starter…

but I doubt it works in Makeroid or app inventor, because the audio player does not play AAC audio although Android supports it…

I think you should look for some urls of video on the HLS type (m3u8)

since the video in HLS can be played with, a web page, using some player in javascript and css. as videojs or flowplayer, you can put it in a web view, but first you should investigate what is HLS.

Good Luck

thanks for giving me a big message

I have a solution but in

I think this is older version of Makeroid but how u access this ???

This topic created in 2017.


I make this live tv apps using makeroid


Which Component Have You Used To Stream

As you can see at first post, Video Player

// @Hadi_Editz!s apps are not exist

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Due To some reason app is no more available on play store


look this video