howm put the google maps API in koduular ??
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(SR Official)
January 9, 2020, 4:32pm
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January 9, 2020, 5:39pm
What do you actually want to do? As Kodular has a built-in Google Map component, some things related to Google Maps are possible. Its functions may fill your needs.
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(SR Official)
January 10, 2020, 1:45am
Here is your proper sollution to create route
A little bit of background: @David during the development of his awesome Manipur Go app asked how to open Google Maps to navigate to a specific location. It seemed like a good challenge, so I jumped right in. Once that was done, I implemented a location picker, and that gave rise to NavDemo. This code was adapted by David, and he says others might find this useful, so here I am.
Google Maps-based location picker.
Auto-centering on user on initialization.
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