That kind of worked. I added the life.inventor.CardView.aix file to my Assets and now, in my Web1 block choices, I find MANY new function selections. But… no Call CardView1.Type2 selection.
Kodular Creator is an online platform. So I would expect that it would dynamically load the latest extension versions. This one here looks newer than the default version. But I suspect there may yet be an even newer one, to complete this JSON Guide. I see no mention of it in the CardView Docs.
That worked!! You’ve gone above and beyond here, (especially with the step by steps how to install an extension.) MANY thanks!! From myself AND anyone else who might want to try this Guide.
I did find one error in the original code The one line Set Label1.text to get global decodeJson should read Set Label1.text to get response Content.
One last thing… Now that I’m getting the CardView populating correctly, I noticed the original screenshot, (at the very top of this thread), is scrollable. My current code does not scroll. When I get this working I will upload the finished .aia file for anyone else who is interested.
PS: @pepocero … if you send me a private message, I’ll put a little something in your payPal tip jar.
For card views I always use the vertical scrolling arrangement.
But if it works for you without scrolling, use what works best for you.
There’s no need for that. I have learned a lot thanks to the community and the people who help and make guides and tutorials. It’s my way of returning to the community for everything I’ve learned…
Okay! Here it is! The finished project. One minor addition. After going to the site, you’ll need to enter your own ApiKey here.
Download the full project here: JSON_example.aia (110.8 KB)
Hello greate koders I have tried to use the same method to get the Json text but I don’t know why I am getting this error instead of getting the same results as I get them on my Web browser.
On Web browser with Chrome Extension when I call this url with my API KEY I am getting this
Sure I trying to get your point means I have to create my own Json texts manually but please can you help me to know the end point and parameters which I have to post on Web Post?
If you see the the response type from newsapi is 403 indicating requests from the browser are not allowed on the Developer plan, except from localhost.