I am unable to generate thumbnail using pedroza thumbnail extension

in video picker iam get this path:-/storage/emulated/0/whatsapp/media/whatsapp-status/i-love-you.mp4

need any changes before storage path like mnt// or anything?

still not solved :sleepy:

try a relative path:

… post (test) AIA

thank you please modify this.adminbolo (1).aia (45.2 KB)

i am finding solution from a week and i don,t know english so much so i i have very hard to say my problem to community it,s better to check my aia :relieved:


blocks (2)

from the path makes it work !!

i have added /mnt/ for test is this work or not!
i have tested /mn/,file/// and empty but not work

please modify the app and give me the aia please

That is the only change I made make “path = selection”

Tested as compiled app as well.

ok give me the aia

adminbolo1_revised.aia (45.2 KB)

not working i try with 3 phones same problems

not helpful…

Does the video picker find the file ?
what path does it return ?
Try moving the file to the root of the sdcard?

and that was quick to test and compile on three phones :wink:

yes video picker pickup the file and play on video player and i get video picker path in a label an i get this text on label


If you feed the extension blocks (hooked into the image component) directly with that uri, does it make a thumbnail ? If so, I wonder if it is a timing issue ?

Also the file we tested was I_love_you.mp4 and not i-love-you.mp4

Try another video ?

What are your phones? and Android versions ?

i have android 8.0 and another 5.0 yes i try sd card video 3gp format video portrait video,landscape video

it seems that the extension doesn’t work with apk

Did for me

With Video_Picker you get only READ, but you need WRITE permission, so try this:

PS: you have to reload the Screen by a clock to get WRITE permission for the first time or after granting the permission at the first run, close app and reopen it (to get permission)

Yes he did, but he did not ask for WRITE perm., but your assumption was correct as always.


check this:

result: false
after granting the requested permission (READ), so not possible save thumbnail in external storage (you only have READ perm.)