I Can Reboot & Shutdown the system?

Hi Guys !!!

I’m working on app to run on android tv box.
I can’t found the way to reboot and shutdown the system ( this is possible ? ).
Without user interaction and unrooted devices.

Any idea ?

no, see also the answers here



You need system access to shutdown or reboot. Anyway, it can be done using the Shell component.


Thanks so much @Taifun and @Kanishka_Developer.

You need system access to shutdown or reboot. Anyway, it can be done using the Shell component.

I see your post What is use of Shell component but aia file can’t be downloaded.

Please you can explain Shell component uses ?
I read only adb command can be accepts (know the commands, i reboot, factory reset many devices in adb mode)
I tried with reboot, reboot now. Not result.
I can’t found examples with Shell component.
Thanks a lot.

There are a lot of examples of Linux basic commands on internet. The shell component executes Linux commands, so you can perform a lot of actions.

Thanks @yusufcihan for your time.
I kown the commands, but how i can implements this commands with shell component ??
I tried reboot, reboot now, etc, and nothing works (at least to me).

Maybe you can see what is wrong with command by using this event.


And some commands may require additional permissions such as root or system access.

Thanks again. I don’t thing this options will return me errors.

Can you show how? sudo poweroff and sudo reboot both do not work.

sudo is a Linux command, and is not in Android. What you’re looking for, is su.
