I encountered this problem on Android 14 During runtime

Does anyone know if there is a way to integrate that requirement, or it can be done through a patch extension, can you help me?

java.lang.SecurityException: com.example.receiverapp: One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED should be specified when a receiver isn’t being registered exclusively for system broadcasts

Registering receivers with intention using the RECEIVER_EXPORTED / RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED flag was introduced as part of Android 13 and is now a requirement for apps running on Android 14 or higher (U+).

If you do not implement this, the system will throw a security exception.

To allow the broadcast receiver to receive broadcasts from other apps, register the receiver using the following code:

context.registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, intentFilter, RECEIVER_EXPORTED);

To register a broadcast receiver that does not receive broadcasts from other apps, including system apps, register the receiver using the following code:

context.registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, intentFilter, RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED);

How about doing a quick search in community?

Thanks, I found an extension, but I don’t really know how to implement it.
I use exoplayer to receive audio streaming.
If you can give me some help, I would appreciate it. Greetings

log.txt (435.1 KB)

Try latest version of notification extension.


Thank you very much, I use version 1.6 but I see that it went up to 1.7 a few days ago.
I’ll try to see if it solves it.
I didn’t think about that, it was supposedly already compatible with Android 14, but I saw that some details were adjusted

The problem persists, the app starts and the screen goes black, without playback or visible error.


I also tried removing the extensions, just leave baserow and ursMediaNotification

Ulli’s current version 1.7 of his MediaNotification extension runs on Android 14+ devices without any problems, at least with AI2.

On which device and with which Android version are you testing?

I tried several…
Samsung A05, A55
Xiaomi A3

The app starts on screen1, which is where it sets the streaming data and others, when it goes to screen2 where it should play, the screen goes black and does nothing.
On android 13 or lower there are no problems

As already said earlier

You are using a component or an extension, which needs an update to be sdk 34 compatible


I also mentioned that I removed the extensions leaving only the Ulli’s ( ursMediaNotification 1.7)
The problem is surely in the kodular libraries.

As well as in Ulli’s extension. He should not have used ContextCompat in his extension as different builders use different versions of androidx libraries.

Hello, I don’t have much level of understanding about this issue, what do you suggest I do to solve the problem. thank you

If one of the Kodular components is rhe issue, just wait for the sdk 34 release and in the meantime
