Android 14+ crashes with extensions: One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED

  • java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{io.kodular.drpeterramsis2007.NewmazamerAudio/io.kodular.drpeterramsis2007.mazamer_2022.main}: java.lang.SecurityException: io.kodular.drpeterramsis2007.NewmazamerAudio: One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED should be specified when a receiver isnโ€™t being registered exclusively for system broadcasts

mostely we get this error when uploading the app, caused with android 14+

so, we want to share which extensions causes this error

Estensions Cause This error:

  • Notification Style
  • DownloadToAsd
  • FetchDownloader

share after testing which cause this error

here is the screen that crashes, what you suggest to solve this problem

DownloadToAsd and FetchDownloader are the culprits!

As it is not compatible with Android 14. Use an alternative.


Yes, that extension is outdated, use MelonNotifcation instead



would you suggest an alternative to use it ro modify my app?

Of course! Use this extension instead.

Does it work for kodular too?

Did you try? If itโ€™s published on this community means it does work.

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