Dear all,
I’m trying to better comprehend the permissions system used in Kodular. One thing that I don’t understand is that in the release notes of Kodular Draco 1.3.0 we can read:
Updated runtime permission system
It will now prompt for permissions when required, and not on start
I would therefore expect requests for permissions to be made by method and not by component/function used, but this does not happen. Or rather, by my tests, it happens only in part.
If I use components such as File or Sharing, the permission request for WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE occurs at application startup, even if my application does not use any of the functions/properties/methods/etc. of mentioned components (I can also manage permission later with the Ask for Permission function).
On the contrary, using Device_Tools for example, the request for READ_PHONE_STATE permission is not requested when the app is started. As above I can always manage permissions later in automatic way or using Ask for Permission function.
Is there a technical reason for this difference in the management of the request for permissions when starting the app using different components? Am I misinterpreting how permissions work in Kodular?