help me why this is happen.what can i do for install companion app
its not working
şuan saat gece 2 ve companion playstore da yok herhalde bu geçicidir ama yok yani en azından türkiyede bu konu hakkında fikri olan var mı?
Hello. I don’t see Kodular Companion in the Google Play Store.
Why has Kodular Companion been removed from the Google Play Store
The reason might be because of this
Is there any official response from Kodular, official app link or any message?
no, they are in deep sleep… it is hard to wake them up…
Companion app i can not find in Play Store, how can i test my apps?
im just curius bc i dont see another topic talking about it, its bc of rules that they deleted kodular from play store?
you can find it in google why you only prefer to install it through playstore only?
isn´t about that i prefer install it from playstore or not, its just that its strange and not very practical for updates and stuff like that. kodular its a place where one of his main purpose its to upload apps in playstore or similar, and then they delete the app from there its strange. i was just curius about that.
well said. i agree with you
I just woke up with good spirits and new devices to test, I search the play store and oh surprise, the applications do not appear kodular companion, does anyone know why this is due? Will it only affect my region (South America) or is everyone like this.
For me there is no problem because I can share the apk from the other devices, but what will happen with the new ones?