I want a list of members in app from airtable when their membership date is over

I want a list of members in app from airtable when their membership date is over

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Actually i am making membership app where i can add customer with their package 1 month example customer join 06/10/2020 and his package will over next month 06/11/2020 and on 07/11/2020 i get reminder that customer package has expired or make a list of customers whose membership is expired…

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i alread using this… when current date is greater than user’s expiry date then login automaticly expired…

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u can done this by an extension…time tools
In this extension u found a block
is after date block
put both dates in that block properly…then set block of
if current date is greater than expiry date then do this else do this

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can u please show me your block.

yes but not yet…i’ll show at night

please send it now…