I want random numbers to be written on the screen, but not the same number. How can I make?

I want random numbers to be written on the screen, but not the same number. get different every number on the screen How can I make?
Please help me

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Use random integer block to get random number…
Once number is generated add it in a list & store that list in tiny db…
Then again no. Is generated check that particular no. Is already in list if yes then change…


I’ve already done it, but I want a different number. Some numbers coming the same

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So che vk it in the list that that no. Is already in list Or not if yes then again create no. Else that number

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can you tell which block is

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Use is in list block…And set the list to the list of numbers you created

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@Bahattin read this

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Use this block helps you

Image source : Taifun

Reference : App Inventor Code Snippets | Pura Vida Apps


Yes yes yes thank you so much. It work

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