I want to create a one time login screen

Please help I want to create a one time login screen for my app

Use tiny db to store 1st time login and use if then block if tinyDB text = login data than open another screen

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But how. .

Store 1st time login data on tinydb than use block if then block in screen1 inlize thats it

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I’LL try​:grinning::grinning:

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Try ur best if u not than reply me i will send u the blocks

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You can do a search here on the forum. There are several titles that can help you.

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In Your Login Screen , Add A Tiny DB Component & code like this - when the users click the continue button (the button which appers after the login details ) call tinyDB store value ( keep value anything you want ) and set tag as done or anything else & when screen opens - if tinyDB get value and enter the tag done (is not equal to blank) then open another screen , screen name - Home