If the link changes

How can I get a link changed warning when I enter a different page? so when the link changes

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You need to explain more in detail what do you want to do. Show your blocks, please.

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When the link changes, I want it to warn that this is the link.

But, the link is in a website or in a button? The website is yours or is external?

If you have a link to a website and you want to change it and have it update automatically, you can use an external database in firebase, Google spreadsheet or airtable maybe.

It would be better if there was a website.

Show your blocks. It will be easier.
Show where you want to change the link

May be this can help to you

I don’t want to change the link, when I go to a different page, it should give a link changed warning.

Use notifier blocks Notifier - Kodular Docs

I know that but I don’t know how to do the rest

How can I get a link changed warning when I enter a different page? so when the link changes

What you ate using? Web component or web viewer?

If web viwer used, then use the event block

when web viewer page loaded
If the webviewer current url = nnn(ur url)
Else sorry, you have changed the url
Also use web viewer visible to false or anyother logic you want.

i solved the problem
thanks anyway

Can you tell us how did you achieve?

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I’m pulling a link from firebase data
i synced this data to each other twice
so it gives a warning when the link changes