December 1, 2020, 8:56am
Hi Koders,
I want an extension or Kodular to add in inbuilt Component as Ignore Errors.
It should ignore all types of the errors.
I have made an app but error’s are appearing these error’s are forcing my app to stop by enabling an option as END APPLICATION . When I refuse it (Clicking outside the Pop-up).
I see that everything is working.
Can anyone make an Extension or can Kodular add it as an in-built component @Kodular .
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December 1, 2020, 9:05am
@Alaqmar_Bohori ,
I have already tried it does not work.
Even there was a similar topic for same issue.
I would like to know if it is possible to ignore or not display error messages by means of some kind of component?
I know what this mistake is, but I don’t want it to show a message.
Thanks for your sopport.
Try to solve the errors without ignoring it, then no need to ignore them.
If you succeed to suppress the errors then your app may not work properly.
December 1, 2020, 9:24am
@The_K_Studio ,
I have tried many times.
This is the topic
Hi Koders,
I was making a Profile app in which the user adds their image and name to the app.
The list is made with the help of Dynamic Components extension by yusufcihan.
I have also used a extension for circular image which is Leo Profile by DeveloperLeo
In this app in am getting an error as
Which is a well known error.
Though the error is appearing in the companion all is working.
The more items I add in the list the more the error lines are increasing.
This errors are common…
And the reason “I want to Ignore”
December 1, 2020, 6:38pm
what about requesting an extension, which automatically fixes all errors you implement in your blocks?