I’m making an image gallery type of app. It loads the images from Airtable and then stores the values as a list called “images”. Then, it does something like this to make the images appear on screen:
On first glance, it looks like it should work normally. But the thing is that when I test the app (in companion or after building, it doesn’t matter) it loads for like 1-5 full minutes, and then displays the images all at once. I want it to load images one by one. How do I make it so that the images appear before the “for each number” loop is finished? I can’t have my users wait 5 minutes for the entire 350+ image gallery to load!
Try using an async approach by loading images one by one inside the loop and adding a small delay or calling a procedure after each image is loaded. This way, images will show progressively instead of waiting for the entire loop to finish.
I’m not sure what you mean by that. Can you show me an example with blocks?
Try this extension