Image click action not working in wallpaper app

I checked out Bugs in Kodular Eagle before creating a new topic

Describe your issue

I am creating a wallpaper app.
1st screen: the first screen has the lastest wallpaper.
2nd screen has category wallpaper.
3rd screen, where I set wallpaper.

1st screen action: when I click on the image its open in the 3rd screen, it’s working perfectly. when I click the category name. it’s open in screen 2 perfectly. but now I again click the latest wallpaper image it’s not open in the 3rd screen. There is no action in it, no matter how many times you click.

using Airtable and recycler view. help @Boban


Steps to reproduce the issue

Expected Behaviour

Actual Behaviour

Show your Blocks

First Screen Block

Second screen blocks

Aia file:testing.aia (707.5 KB)

Android version

Is Image Clickable set to TRUE
Or is it in Card which is full clickable set to TRUE

in first time working fine but after category open, latest wallpaper not clickable, check aia

Sorry, as I’m not using any of deephost extensions I can’t help you…

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