Image is showing white in Dynamic Components

Where is your icon variable?Also, why you use a vertical arrangement instead of an image.


Is the image url or from assets


Maybe you didn’t update the extension


Image URL. Image component also not working. Thats why i used VerticalArrangement instead of Image component.

I have been using latest version of extention.

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How you were loading images.
( using which component / blocks )

Try using this -

Thats why i used arragement. I have contacted wih @Vishwas few days ago and he also confirmed …

You didn’t answer me what’s your image url?

it looks good.Try to use image and load images from urls in it using:

I tried as you said still same result…

Copy Everything in a New Project and Use / Try That.

Tried its even working in new project without image loader extention

Then use that Project .aia leave the older one.

Are you using firebase To get image URL? If yes then you shouId replace all double quotations and backslashes to empty string.

Yes. Firbase is using…

List of image url printed on a label

Its risky. Because i have Worked lot on That Projects UI

Printed result is a list

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I know. I have used for each loop for to select each item in procedure call…
I just printed to know is it recieving or not…

Try image again, and set Scale To Fit to true

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