thanks Anke, i’ll try that.
can you please provide the Aia also? I did the same but not working.
@bodymindpower Can you please provide the aia of this? then I can follow the blocks you have used. I’ve followed the screenshots you have provided but that’s not working. I’m getting error with the Activity Starter also.
I need to upload in cloudinary how should i do that
Can you take a look at this problem?
Hi, I recommend you take a look at this.
If you don’t succeed by that means, try this.
I already tried but i am failed to do
see this it will help you
i also don’t know bcz i am not a expert but this will fix your problem
I want to store the image that got from activity starter to firebase storage. Can you tell me how and the rules for firebase storage
I have the same problem for android 12 and below ftp can run smoothly but for android 13 unsent images can be helped my problem
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Is it possible to send the component READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Are have sulotion for image picker android 13 14?
Don’t forget to mark the solution,
Happy oding
Read this thread for a workaround
@Not_even_7 To use a lower target sdk is not really a solution
My Android version is 14. In theory, when calling Image Picker on Android 14, there should not be an error. However, when I call Image Picker, there is still an error READ.exe TERNAL_STAGE. Please help me
as it has been mentioned earlier, use the activity starter workaround
thank you so muchh!!