Images are not visible in canvas

hello friends,

i have uploaded png images in Kodular Assests and arranged them accordingly , but images are not visible in canvas when i am using its apk file in mobile. Please help. thank you

Show the blocks that you made to display the images on the canvas.


here is my blocks design, when i am opening it in my emulator no images are visible. please give any suggestion. Thank you.

And what happens if you install it on your phone or use the companion app?

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Is this a canvas you have on Screen1

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yes…this is the area where images should be displayed

Do you use a canvas component in your app? It seems you use the screen.backgroundimage block to show your image.


what should i do here to display my images properly ?

Show us your design screen.

Looks like you have a canvas, but you are using the screen background to display the image.
That’s not a problem, but Are you sure the canvas background color is set to NONE? May be the canvas color is hiding the screen background?

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yes… i have set the color screen to dark purple

here is my design page

today I made the canvas background transparent and now it is working well. Thanks to all of you…to me me your suggestions.

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