However the Kodular IAB Component is not working properly. I have created the smallest test version possible of IAB and have attached it here. You will see that it only populates subscription details on original application install.
You can still buy products, and consume them, howeverthese two events are not triggered, even on demand, and nothing shows up in logcat.
Here is the AIA file. Replace the Merchant and License with your own and give it a try.
I would love at least someone to confirm this is not my issue and is happening to others. I followed my own rules, and recreated the problem in as few steps as possible.
I can confirm the After Purchase event issue. I tested in my app, and I can only check with method to see if purchase made. I can’t use event. I thought this issue coming from my side. But looks like there is a issue.
Yea ı got same problems with billing component .my user already purchased but is it purchased return false and if when i use load owned purchased its not trigger handler