i have tried to show icon in title bar but they are not visible how to solve this problem
Title bars cannot display icons.
Do you mean you want to put your icon here?
If you need further help, make your question more clear.
I want to show icons in left side of dot menu
I don’t think you can.
Hide Title bar and create your own custom titel bar using a HA arrangement. Then you can add what ever you want
br0 cant i show icons in status bar without creating another one
You just need to hide the in-built Title-bar and create a custom one by placing a HA and 2 or 3 labels inside it according to your customization needs. How much time you think it will consume?
You are literally acting as your name on community…Lazy
Yeah but by creating my own title bar will i be able to show same dialog as we click on dot menu in in-built title bar.
Simply add a button with an image of 3 dots. Next time please use