Increase app downloads

Now that I have learned to use Kodular and have been able to create a news app that talks news in the local language
I hope to see your review of the application

The question is, what are the steps that I can increase the downloads for my application?
I want to benefit from your experiences as happened before
I owe a lot to you
Thank :hugs:

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there are already a lot of news apps . maybe users arent using it cuz it does not have English language and u will need to do advertisment to make it famous .


thank you for the comment, this app is directed to the Arabic world so it should not contains English :slightly_smiling_face:
and my app has a news Arabic voice reader I think it`s a new feature

Those who don’t understand arabic can also download your app and read the Arabic world’s news

thank you for replying ,may be i will add english language soon

Use following
App store optimization
Advertising (google ads or fb ads)