Interstitial ads work in live mode but not in Play Store

My problem is basically what the title says. Banners work both in live mode and Play store, though. Any ideas ? Thank you in advance.

if you are using blocks correct then its upon admob,

show you blocks for showing and loading ads

Those are my blocks. It picks a random background image in a list of 12 images and depending which one is picked the interstitial shows or not. In live mode, when one of those two images is picked, the interstitial shows, but in Play Store it doesn’t. The name of the .jpg is correct, otherwise, it wouldn’t work in live mode.

dont use show ad block in here with load, here use only load, and use another block, for show like,

blocks - 2019-12-18T130618.881

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Wow! It works now. Thank you very much Imran!!!

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