Is kodular alive?

I recently found out about kodular, but I see that it is not being updated. Do you know if the kodular project has been abandoned or is it alive and you can build applications on it?

The Kodular project is trying to migrate to App Inventor…

See also

My suggestion for new projects is to use App Inventor and together with loads of available extensions you should be able to do whatever you want

The extensions directory is here App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps

EDIT: If you look around a little bit in the community you will realize, that in Kodular there are several bugs around, which never got fixed, for example [🎂 bug] Get Plain Start Text = *nothing* bug

Some components stopped working, fot example billing and push messages, for others you have to use silly workarounds (example: camera)…

Also switching to the next target sdk is a challenge every year again… App Inventor already provides a test server for SDK 34…
