Is posibble sending a notifications to all user registered using Notification style?

I dont know how to make php script in real-time

See Here

I can make you learn firebase :firebase: :sunglasses:


I guess Web component is not capable with real-time…

For push notification component, you have to use one signal.


Right !
You may wanna use onesignal @Mdruid_D

okay so i need to use push notifications and firebase.
if so, can i make an 5table on firebase?
i know if firebase is no sql but idk about free stuff on there

any documentations for this one?
or maybe free aia for try demos?

oh i found it guys, in this post
thank you for giving me an alternative


@Mdruid_D if you have any question about push notification. You can ask here.

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@Aaminah_Mansuri hello, i have successfully to send a notification to users that installing my apps, but im a little confuse about this.
Push notifications on kodular only works on Screen1, but my Screen1 used to animation open appas. and i planing to make Form screen for sending that notifications,
What should i do?

My solution (not the only or best) created a Splash Screen.
When you app initializes go to Splash Screen and Splash Screen finish go backo Screen1.
You can store some values into Screen1 to know if you show Splash Screen or not

this is work for first time only,
i have make 2 screen, screen1 and screen2
screen 2 as splash, screen 1 as input.
like you say, i make initialze to screen 1 for opening the screen2, then on screen2 i use clock to send back to screen1 after splash showing.
then, i close my apps, the problem, the splash not working anymore because the tiny db not updated

can i set value back to 0 when close the app on Tiny db?

You can store some values into Tiny db or when you go to screen2 (Splash Screen) don’t close screen1. In this way when you back to Screen1 the Screen1 don’t resart

yes i do this.
the flow :
Screen1 ->if tag start == 0 -> load screen 2
Screen2 ->set tag start to 1–> load screen 1

this works fine, but when close apps and reopen it. the splash not working cus the tag still 1

You can use blocks like On App Pause, On App Resume, On App Stop to store the value into Tiny DB if you app is closed.
You found these block on Screen

yes i read the documentation too, but should i put the app stop on every screen?
lets say i got 5 screen. or only on screen 1?

You need to add these blocks in all your screen to store the value into Tiny DB. You can’t guess on which screen the user closed the application

thank you for your solutions

how to send based on registered user login if using onesignal?
right now i send to all user who install the apps, not login session

I hope you are not offended but rules are rules you can ask everything you need as long as it is related to your first post.
If you need help in another topic I suggest you use the search I am sure you will find a thread that will help you. If you can’t solve it, create a new thread with your question, don’t forget to add as much information as you can so that your question is clear.

Finally, if any of my posts solved your problem, please mark it so that other members can easily know what the solution is.

yes thank you for telling this


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