Is there a way to communicate with Admob support

Hello, sorry, I know the topic is different here, but…
Is there a way to communicate with Admob support, the billing verification shipments ran out and I never received the email at my address even though all the information is correct.
My ads are no longer showing and I have money left in my account and there is no way to communicate

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You may visit here to get help.

Thank you, but I have already reviewed and accessed all the options and suggestions, nothing solves my problem, the options are cyclical and lead nowhere.

Try searching/Asking here on admob community.

All self-management/solution options are cyclical and lead nowhere.
They always lead me to the same thing, over and over again, I already posted on the forums and nothing

If that’s the case then you can also see if live chat option is available when clicking on the contact us button (it shows sometimes).

Also if your AdSense account is connected with your YouTube channel “if you have any” then you can also try to contact team YouTube on X indirectly. They might offer some help.

I’m afraid admob have limited support options.

There is no live chat, contact or other, they always take you to questionnaires and help guides, but they all conclude that the shipments have been sold out and I have to wait, but it’s been 5 months and nothing.