[Paid] AdMob Ads Extension : Integrate Latest AdMob SDK - 23.6.0 🔥

Also @KP8158 You may see @JEWEL Reply on Community…
If you ask 1 Question he Replied twice …
Then how could you blame him for not answering your Question…?

Sorry, but this is not how we report issues here…
You forgot to provide a screenshot of your relevant blocks, you forgot to explain what you are doing. . You forgot to elaborate your issue…
Please be respectful next time. Thank you.


after i added his extension when i tried to publish to google play i got warning that my app includes unity ads SDK , im not using anything other than admob ,

It might be a issue of Kodular builder. Somehow Kodular builder is including their outdated SDK of Unity even you’re not using Unity ads into your ads.

Not only you, there some more people are facing this same issue even they’re not using my extension or Unity ads into their application. See here…

You can use my UnityAds extension to solve this issue.

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I want to purchase this plugin!:pray:

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Is there a way to communicate with Admob support

:android: MAJOR SDK Update Available

  • Admob SDK updated to 23.0.0.
  • UMP SDK updated to 2.2.0.
  • I’ll charge a small fee for this MAJOR SDK update.
  • Special discounts will be applied to registered happy users and those who have already purchased the previous version (22.6) or upgraded from 21+ to the previous version (22.6). The discount will not be valid for those who have purchased 22+ and are also receiving regular minor updates at no charge.
  • If I forgot to add you into happy users list just let me know. (:smiley: Meet happy users)
  • :receipt: Read release notes

@JEWEL’s All extensions are Perfectly Running and Best on all over app inventor’s platform, i Highly Recommend all users to try @JEWEL 's Extensions.
Best thing is Whenever a New Update for Any Extension Available Jewel Notify Us and Give us New Aix :slight_smile:
:100: % Satisfied :grin::grin:

Thanks @Mr_YouTuber_Official :+1:
I’m going to update the extension again to replace the xml native ad design with DynamicComponents.
So user can design the native ad with DynamicComponents. I hope it’ll be more customizable and will much easier for basic users too. I’m writing code for it. :bulb:ideas are welcome :saluting_face:


I been using this extension for a long time and all works very good. When i faced any problem Jewel always is there to help, so i made a deal with him and paid him for lifetime support of this extension because for me he is a trusted extensions developer. Hope this helps to others, and thank you for this extension :slight_smile:


Welcome to community @Javier_Sanz
Also thanks for sharing your valuable feedback. I’ve listed you as happy user :heart_eyes:


Please add me to happy users list

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I’ve just added you into the happy users list. Thanks for your interest to become happy user.

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Hy @JEWEL , Whats’s the difference between your Admob and Admanager extension. And which one is better. Thanks

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If you’ve AdManager account or Kodular child account so you might use my latest AdManager extension. Otherwise you might use the Admob ads extension.

Which network has more fill rate and better meditation. I have both admanager and admob accounts.

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I’ve not enough information for this.

So you might know better than me.

I’ve developed both extensions. You’re welcome to purchase them. Both uses latest SDK.

Here is my AdManager Extension.

i’m not happy user :-1: :-1: :angry:

Do you need help? What about providing more information?


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I thought you’re, do you need any help or should be removed your username?

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