It is not possible to access the My Account option, error in all browsers and machines

But I have not any problem like this. Please wait for some times and then you can try again.

The problem persists for about 3 months, so I don’t know what to do.

This is cause of creating so many apps. How many app did you make?

I have 3 projects in this account so far, are there many?

did you tried with differ browsers?

Yes, with chrome, IE, Edge, Opera and different machines on different networks.

so it is still showing the same?

how you know that this is bcoz of creating so many apps :thinking:

Because I see related this on community asked by @Boban I can not access my account - #21 by Boban

You can store your all project in your computer and delete from kodular.


This Works For me

Also with me @Sashibhusan_Coder

But that would make it my only project that I was able to release to show ads unable to do again.

I’ve tried such a solution = (

Exactly the same thing.

I think everyone, besides staff, needs to stop responding to this issue as for the most part, everything they’ve tried is in their original post.


@hammerhai, do you have any suggestions? I’m lost here.

This is always a far-fetched response, but I would try on a different network as it could be your ISP. If clearing cache, trying different browsers and devices won’t didn’t work, then I wouldn’t really recommend clearing your cookies since I’m assuming those browsers and devices have never been logged into Kodular before.

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This was one of the first things I did, the problem persists outside my network (I even asked a friend who lives in another region to try to access it).

He is also facing problems after that, and they are completely different accounts

I’m almost abandoning the platform, after all, only 1 of my apps that I could monetize. I’m really sad about it, but I think there is a solution, maybe it’s a question in the website’s database, unfortunately I don’t have an answer in the support channels, only here in the community.

Hello @Wendell_Fortunato,

I hear your concerns, and I understand. However Kodular has much to offer outside of it’s horrible SSO solution such as, a community full of people who’d like to help you, a wonderful drag-and-drop magical interface type thing, and that’s all I can think of.

May I know why you’re trying to access my.account.kodular?

Best regards,

Me | Tier 0 Support